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PULI【Puli】 NO.6039
$ 0.00000000000
0 %



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  • PULI币介绍
Puli (PULI) delivers simple yet very addicting P2E games supported by a novel NFT system. The first game, Puli Runner, was successfully launched on 31 January 2022. The team has also acquired a gaming studio for the development of future Play-to-Earn games. In addition, the token is supported by Lightspeed Crypto Services, LLC to support mobile game support on Android and IOS. The purpose and key features of the token include a 10% Buy and 10% Sell tax that are used to fund aggressive marketing, game development, and stable liquidity. In addition, the asset can be staked on chain for added earnings with instructions available at their website. The token has been audited by Coinscope, InterFi Network and Certik. The contract owner has been KYCd as part of the audits. The entire team is doxxed to the community.
Puli (PULI) delivers simple yet very addicting P2E games supported by a novel NFT system. The first game, Puli Runner, was successfully launched on 31 January 2022. The team has also acquired a gaming studio for the development of future Play-to-Earn games. In addition, the token is supported by Lightspeed Crypto Services, LLC to support mobile game support on Android and IOS. The purpose and key features of the token include a 10% Buy and 10% Sell tax that are used to fund aggressive marketing, game development, and stable liquidity. In addition, the asset can be staked on chain for added earnings with instructions available at their website. The token has been audited by Coinscope, InterFi Network and Certik. The contract owner has been KYCd as part of the audits. The entire team is doxxed to the community.
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2024-08-23 23:09



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