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PKT【Play】 NO.1419
$ 2.36
-0.07 %



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  • PKT币介绍
What is the project about? "Play Kingdom" is a Web3 game hub that provides an all-in-one service by bringing together numerous games and various communities in one place. What makes your project unique? Play Kingdom provides technical support to game studios such as SDK and API, as well as UX improvements for users such as wallets, DEX, marketplaces, and various game offerings, lowering entry barriers for both parties and greatly enhancing accessibility to achieve web3 onboarding for web2 users. History of your project. The Play Kingdom team has developed its own Play-to-Earn project called K-3Kingdoms on the BNB chain, secured a large community, and received high praise. Many team members also have extensive experience as developers in major game companies in Korea. What’s next for your project? Play Kingdom plans to onboard as many diverse and entertaining games as possible onto the platform. Additionally, through partnerships with global game guilds and influencers, the goal is to build an even larger community. What can your token be used for? PKT is applied to various utilities as follows. Play Kingdom membership service Purchase of various game goods from the Marketplace Purchase of Game Pass Guild open Influencer registration Staking through game token and pair pool formation DAO contribution through vPKT creation
What is the project about? "Play Kingdom" is a Web3 game hub that provides an all-in-one service by bringing together numerous games and various communities in one place. What makes your project unique? Play Kingdom provides technical support to game studios such as SDK and API, as well as UX improvements for users such as wallets, DEX, marketplaces, and various game offerings, lowering entry barriers for both parties and greatly enhancing accessibility to achieve web3 onboarding for web2 users. History of your project. The Play Kingdom team has developed its own Play-to-Earn project called K-3Kingdoms on the BNB chain, secured a large community, and received high praise. Many team members also have extensive experience as developers in major game companies in Korea. What’s next for your project? Play Kingdom plans to onboard as many diverse and entertaining games as possible onto the platform. Additionally, through partnerships with global game guilds and influencers, the goal is to build an even larger community. What can your token be used for? PKT is applied to various utilities as follows. Play Kingdom membership service Purchase of various game goods from the Marketplace Purchase of Game Pass Guild open Influencer registration Staking through game token and pair pool formation DAO contribution through vPKT creation
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2024-08-23 23:09



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