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  3. GameGuru


GGT【GameGuru】 NO.2029
$ 0.0000955
-4.48 %



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  • GGT币介绍
GameGuru aims to be the first crypto-marketplace for digital gaming codes and e-gift cards. Digital card sales are a multi-billion-dollar industry with massive growth expectation: a turnover of $698.2 billion is expected worldwide in 2024. Traditional online marketplaces offers overpriced products, fraudulently obtained game keys (Labelled “Grey Marketplaces”) and, in most cases, none-instant delivery due to the high-risk of chargebacks and payment reversals. GameGuru, by relying on its own GGT token (BEP-20) as the only payment method, will be able to provide: - Lower prices simply by waiving the commission of marketplaces such as G2A (6 – 10% discount). An approximate 7 to 12% profit margin (depending on product) will remain. A portion of that profit will be going to the GGT token holders. - Zero risk products since all products are sourced from vetted European wholesale suppliers. - Instant delivery of the goods due to the irreversible nature of crypto transactions and through an API integration with the suppliers.
GameGuru aims to be the first crypto-marketplace for digital gaming codes and e-gift cards. Digital card sales are a multi-billion-dollar industry with massive growth expectation: a turnover of $698.2 billion is expected worldwide in 2024. Traditional online marketplaces offers overpriced products, fraudulently obtained game keys (Labelled “Grey Marketplaces”) and, in most cases, none-instant delivery due to the high-risk of chargebacks and payment reversals. GameGuru, by relying on its own GGT token (BEP-20) as the only payment method, will be able to provide: - Lower prices simply by waiving the commission of marketplaces such as G2A (6 – 10% discount). An approximate 7 to 12% profit margin (depending on product) will remain. A portion of that profit will be going to the GGT token holders. - Zero risk products since all products are sourced from vetted European wholesale suppliers. - Instant delivery of the goods due to the irreversible nature of crypto transactions and through an API integration with the suppliers.
比特币 怎么提现...
比特币 怎么提现
比特币 怎么提现:让你的比特币变成现金的全流程指南嘿,朋友们!今天咱们聊聊一个非常实用的话题——比特币怎么提现。如果你手上有些比特币,可能会想知道怎么把这些数字资产变成实际的现金。别担心,我会一步步教你如何安全、顺利地把比特币转换成你需要的现金。
2024-08-23 23:09



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