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  3. SaucerSwap


SAUCE【SaucerSwap】 NO.811
$ 0.04445
+6.57 % %



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  • SAUCE币介绍
SaucerSwap is a fork of Uniswap v2 that leverages the Hedera Smart Contract Service (HSCS) to include Solidity smart contract integration with the Hedera Token Service (HTS). These smart contracts implement an automated market maker (AMM) protocol, which facilitates swaps of native and cross-chain tokens within decentralized liquidity pools. SaucerSwap serves as both an onboarding ramp for HTS projects and endpoint for bridged liquidity, offering a full-suite of DeFi services, including, but not limited to liquidity providing, yield farming, single-sided staking and DAO-based governance.
SaucerSwap is a fork of Uniswap v2 that leverages the Hedera Smart Contract Service (HSCS) to include Solidity smart contract integration with the Hedera Token Service (HTS). These smart contracts implement an automated market maker (AMM) protocol, which facilitates swaps of native and cross-chain tokens within decentralized liquidity pools. SaucerSwap serves as both an onboarding ramp for HTS projects and endpoint for bridged liquidity, offering a full-suite of DeFi services, including, but not limited to liquidity providing, yield farming, single-sided staking and DAO-based governance.
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比特币 怎么提现
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2024-08-23 23:09



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