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MTRA【MetaRare】 NO.5255
$ 0.00000000000
0 %



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  • MTRA币介绍
MetaRare is an NFT marketplace where artists can create, mint and sell their NFTs in a simple process, it’s a platform designed to promote artists and help create a variety of art ecosystems. The end goal of MetaRare is evolving to a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) where all rights are valuable to users who use the platform. Its native token MTRA holders will help define the future of art and culture for a digitally native generation. Membership in the MetaRare DAO allows users to curate the platform, control marketplace parameters, and add their voice to one of the most ambitious art projects in the world today.
MetaRare is an NFT marketplace where artists can create, mint and sell their NFTs in a simple process, it’s a platform designed to promote artists and help create a variety of art ecosystems. The end goal of MetaRare is evolving to a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) where all rights are valuable to users who use the platform. Its native token MTRA holders will help define the future of art and culture for a digitally native generation. Membership in the MetaRare DAO allows users to curate the platform, control marketplace parameters, and add their voice to one of the most ambitious art projects in the world today.
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2024-08-23 23:09



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