
krest is peaq’s canary network - the world's first and only Economy of Things simulation network. krest is your home for socio-economic, technical, community, and governance innovation and experimentation within the peaq ecosystem. Launch dApps, DePINs (Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks), and tools for the Economy of Things and assess their impact in a live environment on a public blockchain network, without running the risk of causing real-world harm.
krest is peaq’s canary network - the world's first and only Economy of Things simulation network. krest is your home for socio-economic, technical, community, and governance innovation and experimentation within the peaq ecosystem. Launch dApps, DePINs (Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks), and tools for the Economy of Things and assess their impact in a live environment on a public blockchain network, without running the risk of causing real-world harm.