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  3. Kamiland


KAMI【Kamiland】 NO.6870
$ 0.00000000000
0 %



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  • KAMI币介绍
Kamiland is a new p2e game based on the Coinan Smart Chain (BSC). Players can create heroes, feed, marry, procreate, upgrade, fight in replicas, rent, transfer, auction equipment in the trading market, view personal rankings, etc. There are many different ways to play. The game rewards players in a variety of ways, such as rewards for challenging difficult copies, character attribute ranking rewards, and player PK competitions. In Kamiland, players can recruit various heroes and earn power coins through various professions, or have heroes challenge various copies to win various NFTs. Kamiland uses a dual-currency system that provides the necessary liquidity in addition to the energy coins and most of the Kami tokens will operate in the game using the game's economic system.
Kamiland is a new p2e game based on the Coinan Smart Chain (BSC). Players can create heroes, feed, marry, procreate, upgrade, fight in replicas, rent, transfer, auction equipment in the trading market, view personal rankings, etc. There are many different ways to play. The game rewards players in a variety of ways, such as rewards for challenging difficult copies, character attribute ranking rewards, and player PK competitions. In Kamiland, players can recruit various heroes and earn power coins through various professions, or have heroes challenge various copies to win various NFTs. Kamiland uses a dual-currency system that provides the necessary liquidity in addition to the energy coins and most of the Kami tokens will operate in the game using the game's economic system.
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2024-08-23 23:09



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