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HYP【HyperStake】 NO.2584
$ 0.00000000000
0 %



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  • HYP币介绍
“Element (HYP) is a highly addictive and competitive staking platform that provides generous rewards to users for securing the blockchain. Element (HYP) has the most advanced wallet and tools for staking available anywhere. The advanced staking tools within the wallet allow users to have complete control over their staking strategies and ability to maximize rewards against other participants. Rewards are based on the amount of coins that a user holds, as well as how old those coins are and how the blocks of coins are arranged. Larger and older blocks are more likely to stake. There are 960 block rewards per day with a maximum stake reward of 1000 HYP per block. Rewards ensure that your cryptocurrency portfolio is being put to work, instead of laying dormant. The proof of stake based consensus system is designed to reward long-term participants within the Element (HYP) ecosystem.”
“Element (HYP) is a highly addictive and competitive staking platform that provides generous rewards to users for securing the blockchain. Element (HYP) has the most advanced wallet and tools for staking available anywhere. The advanced staking tools within the wallet allow users to have complete control over their staking strategies and ability to maximize rewards against other participants. Rewards are based on the amount of coins that a user holds, as well as how old those coins are and how the blocks of coins are arranged. Larger and older blocks are more likely to stake. There are 960 block rewards per day with a maximum stake reward of 1000 HYP per block. Rewards ensure that your cryptocurrency portfolio is being put to work, instead of laying dormant. The proof of stake based consensus system is designed to reward long-term participants within the Element (HYP) ecosystem.”
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2024-08-23 23:09



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