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HEAL【Heal】 NO.6103
$ 0.00000000000
0 %



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  • HEAL币介绍
The $Heal FAAS system concentrates on generating funds via tax into a treasury set up for investments into other projects. Profit accumulated is equitably distributed to holders and donated to Charity organizations with the highest vote from $Heal holders. 50% is distributed to holders and the remaining 50% donated to charity. Heal DAO aims to overhaul the philanthropy industry with the use of blockchain-based tooling. Heal investors will have an influence over which charity organizations get funded through the Heal treasury by means of a voting system.
The $Heal FAAS system concentrates on generating funds via tax into a treasury set up for investments into other projects. Profit accumulated is equitably distributed to holders and donated to Charity organizations with the highest vote from $Heal holders. 50% is distributed to holders and the remaining 50% donated to charity. Heal DAO aims to overhaul the philanthropy industry with the use of blockchain-based tooling. Heal investors will have an influence over which charity organizations get funded through the Heal treasury by means of a voting system.
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比特币 怎么提现
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2024-08-23 23:09



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