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GRAV【Graviton】 NO.5068
$ 0.00000000000
0 %



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  • GRAV币介绍
In a universe ravaged by the war. Two factions have battled to dominate the Nemeni solar system. Nemeni is the only place that you can mine GRAV in the known universe. Without GRAV there would be no space travel, No way to traverse the void unharmed, Untouched. For eon's two Factions have been at war for this control, The United Alliance of Terra and the Void touched Strigaal. To this day they still wage mass planetary war. The Strigali Void portals have begun to appear again which threaten the flow of GRAV and the very way of life the UAT protect. The United Alliance of Terra have held GRAV control for over 1000 years but with every passing day the iron fisted hold they once had over Nemeni grows weak. With every Void Strike the barrier between this universe and the void wears thin. Choose your faction, join the war and battle for planetary GRAV control. Make an impact now.
In a universe ravaged by the war. Two factions have battled to dominate the Nemeni solar system. Nemeni is the only place that you can mine GRAV in the known universe. Without GRAV there would be no space travel, No way to traverse the void unharmed, Untouched. For eon's two Factions have been at war for this control, The United Alliance of Terra and the Void touched Strigaal. To this day they still wage mass planetary war. The Strigali Void portals have begun to appear again which threaten the flow of GRAV and the very way of life the UAT protect. The United Alliance of Terra have held GRAV control for over 1000 years but with every passing day the iron fisted hold they once had over Nemeni grows weak. With every Void Strike the barrier between this universe and the void wears thin. Choose your faction, join the war and battle for planetary GRAV control. Make an impact now.
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2024-08-23 23:09



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