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  3. GLI


GLI【GLI】 NO.1860
$ 0.25920
+13.24 % %



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  • GLI币介绍
GLI, the legendary cat of the Hagia Sophia church, became a crypto currency. The world's most famous cat, GLI, also has photos with the US president. The entire supply of GLI TOKEN, whose total supply is only 200 thousand, is also in circulation. This community project, which does not have a team or Marketing wallet, is also running social responsibility projects apart from being a meme token. The contract of GLI, which is designed entirely as a community project, does not contain confusing features such as taxes and rewards. It is also renounced from contract ownership.
GLI, the legendary cat of the Hagia Sophia church, became a crypto currency. The world's most famous cat, GLI, also has photos with the US president. The entire supply of GLI TOKEN, whose total supply is only 200 thousand, is also in circulation. This community project, which does not have a team or Marketing wallet, is also running social responsibility projects apart from being a meme token. The contract of GLI, which is designed entirely as a community project, does not contain confusing features such as taxes and rewards. It is also renounced from contract ownership.
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2024-08-23 23:09



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