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  3. Fanzee


FNZ【Fanzee】 NO.1858
$ 0.00050
-1.03 %



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  • FNZ币介绍
Product Fanzee Labs develops web3 fan engagement platforms that help sports and entertainment organisations directly engage with their fans through immersive fan journeys powered by advanced gamification mechanics. Problem Current web3 solutions focus on building their stand-alone platforms without direct interaction between sports and entertainment entities and their fans leading to low adoption of digital assets. Current digital assets are not backed by underlying utility which is valuable to the average sports fan. Solution Provide a 360-degree fan engagement solution through a platform that fosters direct interaction between sports and entertainment entities and their fans by means of gamified fan journeys backed by various digital assets and money cant buy experiences.
Product Fanzee Labs develops web3 fan engagement platforms that help sports and entertainment organisations directly engage with their fans through immersive fan journeys powered by advanced gamification mechanics. Problem Current web3 solutions focus on building their stand-alone platforms without direct interaction between sports and entertainment entities and their fans leading to low adoption of digital assets. Current digital assets are not backed by underlying utility which is valuable to the average sports fan. Solution Provide a 360-degree fan engagement solution through a platform that fosters direct interaction between sports and entertainment entities and their fans by means of gamified fan journeys backed by various digital assets and money cant buy experiences.
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2024-08-23 23:09



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