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DVK【Devikins】 NO.5808
$ 0.00000000000
0 %



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  • DVK币介绍
Devikins is a Play-To-Earn RPG mixed with character breeding game for iOS and Android, and fueled by crypto tokens and NFT characters. Devikins has an ever-expanding world with a player-first mentality. Each playable character in Devikins is a Non-Fungible Token (NFT), which means that each player is the sole owner of a wholly unique playable character in both the Devikins universe and real world. In addition, players can keep their collection of characters fresh and aim for the strongest, most competitive character possible via the breeding system. Devicoin (DVK) is the utility token used as the main currency of Devikins, although these tokens aren’t ordinary game currency with no real-world value. DVK is a cryptocurrency that may be exchanged with other cryptocurrencies in the real world and eventually be exchanged using fiat currency. A playable character is not only unique in their ownership. Due to the semi-infinite nature of the character creation algorithm and breeding gameplay, each character will have their own unique visual and combat attributes. Because of this, no character will look exactly like another. Players can experiment and renew their pool of unique characters by breeding the ones they own. Further, players are able to purchase characters from the marketplace, and even make DVK by putting their own characters up for sale.
Devikins is a Play-To-Earn RPG mixed with character breeding game for iOS and Android, and fueled by crypto tokens and NFT characters. Devikins has an ever-expanding world with a player-first mentality. Each playable character in Devikins is a Non-Fungible Token (NFT), which means that each player is the sole owner of a wholly unique playable character in both the Devikins universe and real world. In addition, players can keep their collection of characters fresh and aim for the strongest, most competitive character possible via the breeding system. Devicoin (DVK) is the utility token used as the main currency of Devikins, although these tokens aren’t ordinary game currency with no real-world value. DVK is a cryptocurrency that may be exchanged with other cryptocurrencies in the real world and eventually be exchanged using fiat currency. A playable character is not only unique in their ownership. Due to the semi-infinite nature of the character creation algorithm and breeding gameplay, each character will have their own unique visual and combat attributes. Because of this, no character will look exactly like another. Players can experiment and renew their pool of unique characters by breeding the ones they own. Further, players are able to purchase characters from the marketplace, and even make DVK by putting their own characters up for sale.
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2024-08-23 23:09



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