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CAI【CryptoAI】 NO.1649
$ 0.00154
-12.29 %



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  • CAI币介绍
CryptoAI is an ERC20 project which launched on 27th January 2023. The native token of the CryptoAI project is $CAI, it has a total supply of 100 million tokens. CryptoAI is a project that leverages Artificial Intelligence to provide real solutions for the cryptocurrency space. CryptoAI aims to revolutionize the crypto landscape by providing users with powerful and innovative tools in the form of powered telegram bots whose solutions are to gain time, automate things and make it easier to trade cryptos. Ultimately, CryptoAI's mission is to make artificial intelligence accessible to the masses and create a bonding between the cryptocurrency and artificial intelligence sectors. No need to register anywhere or be worried about collected data: their bots are safe, anonymous, free, and fast to use. Their economic model mostly relies on the advertising system linked to their bots. A part of their revenue is used to buy back and burn $CAI tokens. By doing this, they assure themselves that their cryptocurrency is deflationary, which means that the supply will reduce over time, driving the price up. This consistent ecosystem is made to sustain the project in the long term.
CryptoAI is an ERC20 project which launched on 27th January 2023. The native token of the CryptoAI project is $CAI, it has a total supply of 100 million tokens. CryptoAI is a project that leverages Artificial Intelligence to provide real solutions for the cryptocurrency space. CryptoAI aims to revolutionize the crypto landscape by providing users with powerful and innovative tools in the form of powered telegram bots whose solutions are to gain time, automate things and make it easier to trade cryptos. Ultimately, CryptoAI's mission is to make artificial intelligence accessible to the masses and create a bonding between the cryptocurrency and artificial intelligence sectors. No need to register anywhere or be worried about collected data: their bots are safe, anonymous, free, and fast to use. Their economic model mostly relies on the advertising system linked to their bots. A part of their revenue is used to buy back and burn $CAI tokens. By doing this, they assure themselves that their cryptocurrency is deflationary, which means that the supply will reduce over time, driving the price up. This consistent ecosystem is made to sustain the project in the long term.
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2024-08-23 23:09



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