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$ 0.00000000000
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BNB Whales is a dynamic cryptocurrency that sets itself apart in the market through its innovative features and experienced team. With 50% of the total supply burnt, it exhibits a commitment to reducing the overall supply, which can potentially drive up the value of the remaining tokens. Additionally, the project incorporates a 2% reflection mechanism, rewarding token holders with additional tokens simply by holding BNB Whales in their wallets.To ensure stability and sustainability, the project implements a 6% buyback feature, using this portion of funds to repurchase tokens and maintain liquidity in the market. This buyback mechanism can contribute to price support and reduce potential price fluctuations.
BNB Whales is a dynamic cryptocurrency that sets itself apart in the market through its innovative features and experienced team. With 50% of the total supply burnt, it exhibits a commitment to reducing the overall supply, which can potentially drive up the value of the remaining tokens. Additionally, the project incorporates a 2% reflection mechanism, rewarding token holders with additional tokens simply by holding BNB Whales in their wallets.To ensure stability and sustainability, the project implements a 6% buyback feature, using this portion of funds to repurchase tokens and maintain liquidity in the market. This buyback mechanism can contribute to price support and reduce potential price fluctuations.
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2024-08-23 23:09



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