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BIBL【Biblecoin】 NO.688
$ 1.35
0 %



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  • BIBL币介绍
Bible Coin is a cryptocurrency project that aims to provide solutions to the concerns of the modern church. Throughout the years, the church has faced difficulties that range from having insufficient funds for missions to donations being stolen or mismanaged. By the use of blockchain technology, Bible Coin (BIBL) introduces custom solutions to overcome such matters. Blockchain technology demonstrates the improvements to the current system – especially how cryptocurrency transfers enable instant and traceable donations to the church and its missionary activities. Bible Coin’s native cryptocurrency BIBL is a BEP-20 token with a total supply of 10,000,000,000 BIBL. However, only 50% of that total supply will be available for circulation, with the rest set aside as staking rewards for the future. BIBL will facilitate peer-to-peer (P2P) transactions and donations, as well as provide staking rewards and enable remote elections.
Bible Coin is a cryptocurrency project that aims to provide solutions to the concerns of the modern church. Throughout the years, the church has faced difficulties that range from having insufficient funds for missions to donations being stolen or mismanaged. By the use of blockchain technology, Bible Coin (BIBL) introduces custom solutions to overcome such matters. Blockchain technology demonstrates the improvements to the current system – especially how cryptocurrency transfers enable instant and traceable donations to the church and its missionary activities. Bible Coin’s native cryptocurrency BIBL is a BEP-20 token with a total supply of 10,000,000,000 BIBL. However, only 50% of that total supply will be available for circulation, with the rest set aside as staking rewards for the future. BIBL will facilitate peer-to-peer (P2P) transactions and donations, as well as provide staking rewards and enable remote elections.
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2024-08-23 23:09



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