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BGVT【Bit】 NO.1411
$ 0.0000233
-5.06 %



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  • BGVT币介绍
Market Cap: $17,467,695 LP Holdings: 8,716 BNB ($2,515,572) Volume above $45k https://hotbit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/9747441486615 Cex listing https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/bit-game-verse-token/ CMC listing Bit Game Verse is the trending crypto channel which enables earning through different gaming channels. It is a peer to peer marketplace , where transactions take place directly between the crypto traders. BGV, as the name suggests, encompasses the popular "money heist" concept in the gaming pool with all the fun characters and the super feel! The characters of "Professor, Tokyo, Berlin and more" are going to help you in completing the tasks assigned in the central bank.
Market Cap: $17,467,695 LP Holdings: 8,716 BNB ($2,515,572) Volume above $45k https://hotbit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/9747441486615 Cex listing https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/bit-game-verse-token/ CMC listing Bit Game Verse is the trending crypto channel which enables earning through different gaming channels. It is a peer to peer marketplace , where transactions take place directly between the crypto traders. BGV, as the name suggests, encompasses the popular "money heist" concept in the gaming pool with all the fun characters and the super feel! The characters of "Professor, Tokyo, Berlin and more" are going to help you in completing the tasks assigned in the central bank.
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2024-08-23 23:09



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