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BCMC【Blockchain】 NO.1982
$ 0.00168
-5.02 %



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  • BCMC币介绍
NFT and blockchain games have recently exploded in popularity. However, none of the games currently on the market truly embrace a fully decentralised ecosystem and complete on-chain experience, factors which should be the fundamental essence of blockchain gaming. Blockchain Monster Hunt (BCMH) is the world’s first multi-chain game that runs entirely on the blockchain itself. Inspired by Pokémon-GO,BCMH allows players to continuously explore brand new places on the blockchain to hunt and battle monsters. Each block on the blockchain is a unique digital space where a limited number of monsters (of the same DNA gene and rarity) may exist. Players and collectors can hunt or battle for a chance to capture these unique monsters and to earn coins.
NFT and blockchain games have recently exploded in popularity. However, none of the games currently on the market truly embrace a fully decentralised ecosystem and complete on-chain experience, factors which should be the fundamental essence of blockchain gaming. Blockchain Monster Hunt (BCMH) is the world’s first multi-chain game that runs entirely on the blockchain itself. Inspired by Pokémon-GO,BCMH allows players to continuously explore brand new places on the blockchain to hunt and battle monsters. Each block on the blockchain is a unique digital space where a limited number of monsters (of the same DNA gene and rarity) may exist. Players and collectors can hunt or battle for a chance to capture these unique monsters and to earn coins.
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2024-08-23 23:09



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